Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I'm Addicted to Pinterest

I got this email from Pinterst. Do you know where I can find this?
Seriously..I pin like others play games online, Facebook, post on Instagram. For years I printed out all the ideas I wanted to save in an organized manner in Notebooks. I had them labeled Decorating, Crafts, and Good Things. Pinterest was the perfect opportunity to ditch all that and save it online.  Love it!
Come follow me! Click here!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Just a thought...

It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.
~Mother Teresa

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Week in Napa Valley

Have you ever been to Napa Valley? Dave and I went for our honeymoon eight years ago. We didn't know anything about wine, but wanted to learn. We so enjoyed the beauty of the countryside and enjoyed the wineries. Today our palettes have changed and we love pairing a great meal with the perfect wine. Traveling to South France last fall reminded us of Napa Valley. We stayed in Yountville at the Lavender's B&B.  Yountville is located in the heart of the Valley, we traveled around Napa and Sonoma Valley.
 An adorable cottage style charm made this a wonderful stay. Located on a quiet, adorable residential block, the tree lined streets and the manicured lawns immediately drew us in. It's all out of a fairy tale..the Napa kind. 
A nice surprise awaited us in our room...
Yountville is full of world famous resturants. All within walking distance of the Lavenders B&B. One of the top 3 restaurants in the world, The French Laundry should be on your bucket list, if you are truly a food and wine lover.Everything here is exquisite, the food is amazing, the wine is awesome and the service is impeccable. I love the fact that it had its own garden and chicken house. Amazing.
The town is small but packed with some of the best restaurants that you will find in the United States. Bouchon, Redd, Bistro Jeanty, Bottega, Ad Hoc, the list goes on...The town is basically one mile long so you can walk anywhere you want to go.
The bakery was one of my favorites. I have never seen anything like this since France. All the beautiful baked breads and pastries.  Everyday you would see people lined up to get inside. It is worth the wait to stand in line! 
I will be posting some vineyard pics tomorrow...

Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter Blessings

We are headed out for a week vacation in Napa Valley….and I am looking forward to some rest and relaxation.  A short and sweet post today. 
 Enjoy your Easter Weekend.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Open Your Heart

I would like to share this beautiful video....

May we open our hearts each day, to the blessings we are given and may we be grateful.

Stephanie Ackerman Class in Oklahoma City

Just returned this past Friday to Oklahoma City to take the 52 PICK UP class with Stephanie Ackerman. Class was held at My Heart's Fancy, a wonderful little shop packed full of great stamping and mixed media supplies. I took a class from Stephanie last year when she came here. 
What you are seeing here are playing cards, that are transformed with paint, ink, words, rubons, stencils, wash tape, whatever comes to mind, and you are creating cute little cards that can be made into tags, added to cards, or add an inspirational verse or wording to give to a friend. Small, takes little space and lots of fun to make. 
 Stephanie is a beautiful spirit and great teacher. I have read her blog for years, and watched her evolve into a fabulous artist.  She has taken her beautiful hand writing she calls doodling, and made an empire of it. Check out her blog on the link. You will love her art.
 Here is a pic of my art sister, Sheryl, Stephanie and me. What a great day!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pay It Forward

I was out of town on the 11th when I was to announce the winner of the "Pay It Forward" contest. The winner is Sowing Stitches.  I am sending her one of my mixed media art works in honor of Celebrating Spring and saying Good-by to Winter...
We had a windy spring day with storms brewing around us. Luckily no severe storms, but rain would have been a joyful welcome. Since we are in Stage 4 of drought conditions in our area. We are limited to watering and I am planting drought tolerant plants for my patio this year. 


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pay It Forward

I have been a bit behind, March hit hard with the cold weather and me coming down with the flu. It seemed it took me a while to get my energy back and life back on track. 
I was one of the "Pay It Forward" winners on Donna's Designs Blog.  Please click the link to her blog and read the sweet story about paying it forward and sharing the love. Also check out her beautiful cards that she makes. Tell her I sent you over. Donna sent me a wonderful package of Davidson's Spiced Pear Tea and some beautiful notecards.
So, I am going to get back in the swing of things and going to do the same thing. I will randomly draw a winner on April 11th and will be mailing out a surprise package to that person in the mail that will either be a craft item created by me, a trinket, something new or something vintage. I will put extra touches to please the winner. So leave a comment and I hope you are the winner!
And just like Donna, all I ask is that you do something nice for someone else that in some way you can show some kindness...a sweet note, buy them a cup of coffee, simply something to make someone else's day better.
Please leave an email addresss or some way to reach you in your comments 

Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...