Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The World's Most Uncomfortable Couch

I can remember like it was yesterday...we were visiting Corey Amaro's home in France, last September. We were sitting in her living area, drinking French champagne and I was admiring the furnishings. Oh, how I would love to have it all in my own home. And she tells us the story about the world's most uncomfortable couch. The one we were sitting on. A funny story about her beautiful couch not being the most comfortable. I never noticed it was uncomfortable. Of course, I was still in shock...I had arrived in France for the first time in my life.  Makes me chuckle thinking about it now. So...this story is on my mind and today we go off to shop for new living room furniture.
It won't be a beautiful vintage piece like Corey's, but the French influence got me big time. Love the creme linen color and that is what is on my mind today....
Thank you Corey for the inspiration.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Booked our trip to ready! I started covering this box with French music paper and a photo that I picked up at the brocante. I should be finished tomorrow to show you the results.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

2014 Where Bloggers Create

Welcome to Foxhollow Studio! I am so happy to share my Creative Space with you!
ok....I went shopping today and added a lamp and some greenery. I love these things that make me get things done. Look at the difference....much better!

I use my shelves above my work table to display some favorite items that I have made, received in swaps and were given as gifts by artist friends.
This is a new color and a fresh look for me this year...take a look at last years studio pic. I love the new color and my chandelier!
I must admit...after I saw Karen's jars covered with embellishments for holding her tools, I made some too! They were so much fun to do, that I made some and gave them away!
I always enjoy finding vintage items for storing my tools, like this old bowl for my jewelry tools and the old metal drawers are great for jewelry parts with its divided compartments.
I took an old water sprinkler for displaying the jewelry that I am making or its handy for when I want to hang a piece up to look at for a few days to decided what I want to do to the design.
I call her the Queen...she overlooks my art room. 
I have tons of old photos that I use in my art work. I have some of them stored in a glass jar for a display.
Old buttons and doll heads and doll parts are some of my art supplies that are handy for a project that I might need them
just a pretty way to display my glitter...
and jewelry parts
I collect vintage religious medals. I found many of these in France last fall.
Journals that are works in progress...
A cigar box that I covered with vintage lace, photo and jewelry to store art supplies.
An old tool chest is great for holding artist cards, small embellishment pieces, etc. I love the photo of my Mom on the table. She was so beautiful.
A recent piece of work that I did in a Kelly Rae Robert's Class. 
THANK YOU for taking the time to come by... I hope you will stop by and see me again.  Chopin and Monet, my Burmese kitties are asleep in the corner of the studio. Generally they are walking over or through any project that I am working on.  I have blue kitty paw prints on my desk from when we painted the room just recently. They have to be in the middle of it all!
A Big Thank to the Sweet & Talented, Karen Valentine at My Desert Cottage for working so hard to make this all happen. Blessings to All!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

2014 Where Bloggers Create

Welcome to Foxhollow Studio! You may have remembered it as "Foxhollow Tales" but because of problems that Karen, my wonderful & talented web designer....kept coming across, she tried redoing my website design this year and we started having all kinds of issues with blogger. order to fix the problem...we changed the name! Purchased a new domain. And here we are! 
 It is exciting to participate in her 6th Annual Where Bloggers Create Blog Party, and this Satuday will be the new reveal. Not only a new blog re-design this year...but a new color and design in my studio. Please come by on Saturday...I am so excited to share with you. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Junque Box Swap

A group of girls from around the United States just recently had a Junque Box Swap. You gave a list of the things you loved, favorite colors, things you collect, etc. to give your partner an idea about you.   It was hosted by one of the most creative and talented young women that I know, Carrie. I felt fortunate that I had met my partner at the Enchanted Affaire Art Event in Manhattan Beach, Ca. I'm not sure if this made it harder or easier. Because I really wanted to make it special for her. She was such a talented and creative gal, that I wanted it to live up to her expectations.  I found a vintage jewelry box and I took some of the flowers that I found at the flea market in France to embellish it. I also added a few other finds from France inside the box. 

Here is a peak inside the box.
The is an adorable old card box that I found a couple weeks ago at a antique store in Iowa. I packed it full of vintage lace and fabric.
It was lots of fun to prepare for someone else, but it was just as exciting receiving a box in the mail prepared just for you.  Mendy, a mixed media artist from Texas, sent me a beautiful box of goodies. I loved the colorful vintage ribbon and burlap flower with rhinestone embellishing the box. It was overwhelming the beautiful things you had packed inside. 
Inside the box was filled with my favorites of vintage style fabric, lace and flowers. She monogramed my name of a piece of muslin, amazing artwork on cards, vintage paper, and more. 

It is such a treat to participate in these events with such talented artist around our country. I feel lucky to just be a part of such an event. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Trip to Iowa

We took a quick trip to Iowa to see family...they have received more than the needed rainfall there and are experiencing flooding. My mother-n-law has had her basement flood twice in the past month and never had that happen before. She has two pumps, one for backup and that has always covered heavy rain. But, when the ground is saturated...and 5" of rain falls in a very short time. This happens.  These were the clouds as we drove into Cedar Rapids. It seems pretty ironic that we came from Oklahoma where we are experiencing drought conditions. 
We did not let the rain stop us from a week of antiquing and hitting many of our favorite spots. We also were successful in  finding many new places this time. We always go to Sister's in Kalona, Iowa. The one time we drive our small SUV and not our pickup...we found two beautiful wood tables that we would have brought home in a heartbeat.
A few other stops that we found this time that I must mention is the Brass Armadillo in Des Moines, Details, A Studio of Antiques in Cedar Rapids, and the towns of Marion and Mount Vernon, Iowa had some adorable antique finds. 
We also enjoyed the Cedar Ridge Winery in Swisher, Iowa. After going to Nappa in April, I was very impressed with the vineyards, the tasting room and the entire facility. The wine is excellent and I highly recommend stopping by for a tasting if you are in the area. I heard many rave revues about their wood fired pizzas, as well as the live entertainment on the weekends. I hope to stop in, the next time we are in town. 

It was a quick trip to see family and do a little antiquing. We wish we could have brought the rain home with us.

Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...