Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fall Weekend

Its been an absolutely beautiful weekend here in Southern Oklahoma. We welcomed rain two days last week to our area. You can see signs of fall in the changing leaves. The air is crisp. I love this time of year. Chopin and Monet have their Halloween collars on ready for the goblins.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Ron and Debbie...are our very dear friends, they are like family to us. They have been with us to share celebrations in our life and been with us at some of our roughest points in life. Friends like these are rare. We love sharing a happy hour or dinner with each other whenever our schedules allow. It is always a treat to see her decorating trends change season to season. I wanted to share beautiful fall decor...just so warm and inviting. Enjoy!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Home for the Holidays…Creatively Made Home

This week, I have enrolled for the online Creatively Made Home {Home for the Holidays} that launches tomorrow, October 15th.  I can't wait to be inspired and connect with such inspiring women in this e-course as the holiday season draws closer.  I think the connection is almost more special than anything else... it's more personal than reading a magazine.  It's wonderful to not only be inspired, but to feel encouraged too. Here is a sneak peak of the first week of Creatively Made Home {Home for the Holidays} 
Here is the information that they published about the course:
“This course will be full of ideas, beauty, inspiration, joy and encouragement... it's about sharing the warmth of your home with family and friends.  It's about creating beauty in little things, opening your home with hospitality, and welcoming others into the love of your family.  It's about so much more than the contents of your home - it's about the contents of your heart.”

The talented contributors will be sharing gift-giving ideas, recipes, decorating tips, and family stories…and I’m certain we will all be impressed and blessed once again.
  • Each week you will have amazing truthful videos from the nine teachers.
  • There will be 30+ project videos.  These will be incredible videos that include everything from cooking, gift giving and decorating.
  • Tons of beautiful house photos from each of the nine women.
  • Supply lists and PDFs for each project.
  • A digital recipe book of the recipes shared in this course.
  • You will have access for one full year.
The e-course will launch October 15.
Course registration is $58
PLEASE CLICK HERE TO Click over there to see the sneak peak of the first week & PURCHASE THE E-COURSE

I hope you’ll join me in taking this wonderful E-Course,
and let’s enjoy being HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Room with a View

Have you ever ask for a room with a view? And get up to your room to find that your view looks out onto the rooftop of the hotel looking at the air conditioning system. While in Paris we stayed at the lovely boutique hotel and when we arrived, I ask if there was a chance of having a room with a view. They kindly replied that they were totally booked and had no other rooms available. That was fine…hey! I was in Paris! We got to our room and if this is a room without a view, I can't imagine what one with a view was like. I was very happy with this view….such a beautiful city.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Everyday, Dave & I talk about our visit to France. One of our discussions have been about allowing our minds to be closed and not open to discover on our own. How many times have you heard, "The French hate the Americans" or "The French are rude!".  Once again, we allowed ourselves to believe what others had told us, and did not choose to find out for ourselves. Luckily, we did. And we found some of the kindest, most beautiful and warm people in the world in France. Everywhere we went, the French were helpful and were understanding to our language barrier. It warmed our hearts. Thank you Corey and Yann for allowing us to experience this. It has inspired us to go back, explore more. Learn more about different parts of the country. 

Here are some more beautiful pics from France.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

South France

We took a day trip to Cassis, a small fishing village near Marseilles, know for its small coves lined with steep, dramatic walls of white limestone. This town does not receive the publicity of Nice or Cannes, yet it is absolutely stunning.


We took a boat tour and was able to go into the inlets and experience these beautiful clifts which are France's highest coastal cliffs. Our guide spoke in French, as well as everyone on the boat with us. But it didn't matter, the beauty was enough for us to experience.


With stunning views of the Gulf of Cassis we walked the streets and shopped in the quaint shops along the water. 


 There's also a nine-mile drive along the peaks with plenty of turnouts so you can stop and take pictures. A beautiful day and a beautiful place I would love to come back to again.

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Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...