Monday, October 14, 2013

Home for the Holidays…Creatively Made Home

This week, I have enrolled for the online Creatively Made Home {Home for the Holidays} that launches tomorrow, October 15th.  I can't wait to be inspired and connect with such inspiring women in this e-course as the holiday season draws closer.  I think the connection is almost more special than anything else... it's more personal than reading a magazine.  It's wonderful to not only be inspired, but to feel encouraged too. Here is a sneak peak of the first week of Creatively Made Home {Home for the Holidays} 
Here is the information that they published about the course:
“This course will be full of ideas, beauty, inspiration, joy and encouragement... it's about sharing the warmth of your home with family and friends.  It's about creating beauty in little things, opening your home with hospitality, and welcoming others into the love of your family.  It's about so much more than the contents of your home - it's about the contents of your heart.”

The talented contributors will be sharing gift-giving ideas, recipes, decorating tips, and family stories…and I’m certain we will all be impressed and blessed once again.
  • Each week you will have amazing truthful videos from the nine teachers.
  • There will be 30+ project videos.  These will be incredible videos that include everything from cooking, gift giving and decorating.
  • Tons of beautiful house photos from each of the nine women.
  • Supply lists and PDFs for each project.
  • A digital recipe book of the recipes shared in this course.
  • You will have access for one full year.
The e-course will launch October 15.
Course registration is $58
PLEASE CLICK HERE TO Click over there to see the sneak peak of the first week & PURCHASE THE E-COURSE

I hope you’ll join me in taking this wonderful E-Course,
and let’s enjoy being HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS :)

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