Friday, June 26, 2015

Art Sisters

There is something that I could have never imagined that would happen in my lifetime, is that I would have a group of friends that are considered my "Art Friends".
Before children came in my life, I did some painting. And then when I had children, my art existed helping in science projects, 4-H demonstrations, and other school activities that required some creative help. A divorce after 27 years of marriage made me seek what I loved and enjoyed. I had to find myself.
A few years down the road I met a man that was an artist.  He was a kite maker...I married him. That's another story for another time. In our time together we would go to the bookstores, and I found a Somerset Press Gallery magazine. That magazine would open up a entirely new world me. I had no idea that it was going to take hold of me. BIG hold! I wanted to know make some of this art.
I searched the internet and found classes around the nation. My first adventure was "Art and Soul" in Las Vegas. That year it was held in 3 locations and the least expensive flight for me. I talked a girlfriend into coming along.  I went to take classes from Lisa Kaus. She is an amazing artist and wonderful teacher. I have felt privileged to watch her work becoming household items with her contract with Demdaco. I walk into Hobby Lobby and see all her designs.
I love this pic of Lisa. She is such a happy soul. It was obvious, she loved what she was doing.  

At this point, I was hooked on mixed media. I wanted to learn and absorb all that I could. 
This is one of the pieces that I made from Lisa's classes...

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Roaring Twenties Event

Time for some ultimate catch up on this blog...I have been busy selling houses, traveling, participating in swaps and I guess you can sum it up....Enjoying Life.  c some serious catch up and share with you. 
KIM ALLISTAIR CALDWELL  is one of the most talented women I know. her art events are over the top with how she takes care of every detail. 
I was fortunate to attend her latest event in May “The Roaring Twenties in Manhattan Beach, California. There were four exciting workshops taught by talented artist from around the nation. Teachers were Danielle Donaldson, Lori Oles, Kaari Meng, Karen France & Elaine Marcell and a special mini class taught by Hope Carney Wallace Karney. 

“Never miss a party...good for the nerves--like celery.”

― F. Scott FitzgeraldGatsby Girls

This is an altoid tin that I decorated with vintage lace inside for a swap.
Our beautiful tablescapes where we created each day!
Note the beautiful name tags that were necklaces.  Amazing!
Class taught by Kaari...beautiful beadwork done on headbands.
This sweet pic cushion class was taught by Karen & Elaine...
Lori always brings her love for vintage with this wall hanging made from vintage paper & lace.
Our first peak into the classroom
Swaps are so fun to participate in. This is a vintage organizer that I made for my swap partner.

And her is me accepting my organizer made just for me. 
One of the best thing is meeting up with old friends from around the country.
And sometimes it takes longer for our paths to cross...and how sweet it is when we meet again.

Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...