Saturday, January 25, 2014

Grow Your Blog Party!

Welcome to Vicki's of 2 Bags Full Blog Grow Your Blog Party; I'm so glad you're here! Hundreds of bloggers are joining in on the fun of finding new blogs and meeting new blogging friends. It's going to be a grand, welcome to Grow Your Blog Party and Fox Hollow Tales.
My blog is about my life outside of selling real estate, which includes life at home, gardening, cooking, decorating and entertaining.

creating mixed media art,

traveling to art events around the country & taking art & jewelry classes,

I enjoy sharing my travels with you, since I have been fortunate to travel to many interesting destinations. And I love taking photographs. 

From time to time I love to give some tales of my Burmese kitties, Chopin and Monet

I hope that you will come back and visit me often. Please take a few minutes to look around here, and perhaps even choose to follow me. In appreciation to those that sign up as my new followers and leave a comment, I am going to give away a piece of my newly created pieces of jewelry. It is a multi-strand necklace with a vintage lock adorned with a vintaged jewel piece. I hope you are the winner! I think you will enjoy.


Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I'm visiting from the GYB party and there are so many talented crafters participating.
Your kitties are adorable.

Claire said...

So nice to meet you! Your blog looks lovely - I've become a follower and will be back on a less frantic day...
I fear I won't be able to wear your lovely necklace, but I wanted to comment anyway :)
I love what I can see of your mixed media art - do you have an online shop, or do you just sell at art fairs?
And your kitties are the same gorgeous glossy back as our Molly-cat - I should have posted a photo of here, she's such a pretty girl :)

Dogwood Lane Rambles said...

Visiting from GYB and love your art and style. Am now a new follower. The color post is great. See you again soon, Patrica

diane said...

What a lovely blog you have.
And you are quite talented!
I am definitely a new follower to your blog world ...
Enjoy the party!
diane @ thoughts and shots

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Hi! I’m a GYB party volunteer stopping by to say WELCOME and leave well wishes in the event! Thanks for participating. You post looks great. With smiles, Val:)

Ida said...

Hi, I am now following your blog.
I enjoyed stopping by. I love photography and am glad that you travel and share your photos. Also I'm a fellow "cat lover" so it was fun seeing your kitties.
Have fun with the GYB hop today.

gracie said...

So very glad to have found you with this blog party...stop by and say hello.....

Fuzzy Slippers said...

Scrumptious photos!!!!! I am going to pop back and poke around more (I hit follow by the third photo!) Have fun on GYB Day!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i believe that was the "queen of hearts" - amazing art piece. nuts, it was on the other page ... my memory went blank. i love your cats collars. cute!! hi there. i'm Beth from E. Lizard Breath Speaks - so nice to meet you through the Grow Your Blog get together/party. ( :

Dreaming of Vintage said...

Hi Teresa! It's so nice to meet you and explore your lovely blog!


Cache-Mire said...

So nice to meet you at this party! I love shiny objects as well as reading about others travels so will be following to see what you are up to! Happy creating! Hugs, Terri

Charis Designs said...

That necklace is beautiful! You sure are a busy and talented lady- wow! Christie

mysteryhistorymom said...

Loved stopping by your blog! Your creations and photographs are stunning! Looking forward to getting to know you better.:) Please stop by my blog as I'm hosting a fun giveaway, too! LOVE the vintage lock necklace- gorgeous! Lori

mysteryhistorymom said...

I'm your newest follower- I'd love it if you'd follow me back!:) Lori

Sara Kate MacFarland said...

I'm an enthusiastic GYB visitor...and ever so happy to get acquainted with you! I think your cats' names are inspired! (Franki Kohler has an adorable dog whose name is Mendelsohn...I bet he'd fit right in with your two artistic critters) Your painting of the lovely lady in red -- is she Rose Red from the fairy tale? -- is so vivid. Your creativity is beautifully showcased in your blog. I'll be a frequent visitor.

Carole said...

Hi Teresa, loved visiting and I do want to say thank you for your lovely comment. I'm visiting from the GYB Party and it's a pleasure to meet you. I plan to follow by email. Carole

jinxxxygirl said...

Hi Teresa!!

So nice to meet you! I hopped over here from the GYB blog hop. I loved browsing your blog and i hope to visit more. Hugs! deb

jinxxxygirl said...

Hi Teresa!!

So nice to meet you! I hopped over here from the GYB blog hop. I loved browsing your blog and i hope to visit more. Hugs! deb

Victoria said...

Hi Teresa, I found your blog via the GYB party...I'm now a follower and will be visting again on a day less hectic! Chopin and Monet are adorable, and your photos are beautiful.


Tanya said...

Happy that I dropped by here from the Blog Party - LOVELY blog that I KNOW I will enjoy spending time reading! Happy Creative Sunday - Tanya (your newest follower)

Little Wandering Wren said...

Australia calling! Just flown in from GYB, will enjoy keeping up with your crafts and travels as your latest follower.
Have a fun weekend
Wren x

~JarieLyn~ said...

I really love your mixed media art. Do you sell it online? I'm not a GYB participant but it is how I landed here. I am following you now and I would love a chance to win that pretty necklace. Thank you.

Linda H said...

Dropping by on the GYB party.. such fun! Looks like you have lots of fun with all your projects!!Loved seeing your travel photos too. Enjoy GYB.

judith said...

You have a very nice blog Teresa, and your photos are fabulous. Thank you for the chance to win. I will follow so I can see where you go. :)

macmillanmarie said...

Lovely blog. I am going to enjoy following you I am sure. Happy hopping!

Maggie said...

So glad I stopped by your lovely blog! You've attended some neat retreats (love Lisa Kaus). Please enter my name to win that cool necklace and come visit me:

(New follower)

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Good Morning!
I was too late to join the party so I am visiting you on my own! Love your kitties, and travel adventures!
New follower,

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Good Morning!
I was too late to join the party so I am visiting you on my own! Love your kitties, and travel adventures!
New follower,

Diana Seal said...

Hi Teresa, visiting from "GYBP", admiring your mixed media art and gorgeous jewelry. Thanks for sharing your great blog,looking forward to many more visits.
Happy Blog Hopping,
your newest follower,

Christina Paul said...

Just love your work! Visiting from Vicki's blog party - your vintage jewelry piece lovely and I just adore your sweet cats' names! We have 4 rescues and they love to help with my craft projects :)
New follower
PennyWise blog

Dirty Martini Queen said...

Hi Teresa and nice to meet ya. I look forward to seeing all your beautiful photos and seeing stories about the furry kids.

Cathy said...

Your art is lovely, as is your blog. I was glad that I'm not the only one who posts pics of her cats! I'm now a follower, and look forward to visiting often!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

visiting via Vicki's GYBP...I'm late to respond to your note...I apologize...tremendously cold and my old bones ache from farm chores. give me a bit more time, I'm good for my word but I am *exceedingly* slow...unless it's tending to the animals and the farm.

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

A nice post that I enjoyed reading. Cute cats!

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

Ellie said...

Hi I've come over from GYB, you have a lovely blog. It is fun visiting all these new blogs isn't it. I'm following you now :)

deborah lyn said...

Pleased to meet you Teresa! I'm a watercolor/fiber artist participating in GYB & I look forward to following your creative posts! best to you, deborah

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lynet said...

Hello I'm Lynet, your blog is beautiful, I following now, nice to meet you ,I love to share with you from now on and we are good friends!Happy grow your blog

Unknown said...

What a lovely blog you have. You look like you have a great time traveling and your mixed media art is very nice. Kitties are so therapeutic. So nice to meet you.


Sowing Stitches said...

I've just signed on and will be following via email! :)

hula-la said...

Sarah and Dan said...

Lovely pictures, especially the fall composite! Thanks for sharing.

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Hi Teresa...I love your art inspiring! I added myself as a GFC follower!! :)Nice to meet ya!

Jo said...

Hi Teresa! visiting you from gyb party ... what a fabulous blog filled with some great eye candy. I am now following you!

Derrith said...

Your have a very cool blog. I'd love to see what you do next, so I am a new follower!

Anonymous said...

Loved popping by to see your blog (thanks to GYB!). Thank you for sharing your life and talents :) You have very clever hands! Keli x

the east coast desi said...

This is a wonderful blog and I'm glad I made my way here via GYB. I'm in love with Chopin and Monet....they are adorable. Wishing you luck and hope to stay connected.

Sparklyjools said...

Hi Teresa! Thanks so much for stopping by and following me, and your lovely comments!It's super to meet you through GYB! Your blog looks like a fun place to be - and your cats are very sweet! Jules x

WhoMom said...

Hi Theresa,
The blog hop is such great fun! Your travels must be interesting and inspiring. Following for a a while to see what you are all about on the blog.

jan said...

Hi Theresa!
I am visiting from the GYB hop. It is very nice to meet you. You have a lovely blog. I am a new follower!
Have fun!
xo jan@

dcargill said...

Your kitties are beautiful. I am a new follower via e-mail.

Maureen said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog for the GYB event! Glad to finally have returned the favor and now am following you so I can read more about your crafts and your beautiful kitties!

Patty Antle said...

I just started traveling to art events too. Maybe someday I'll get to meet you! Your giveaway is gorgeous! I'm following you now.

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Hello Teresa
It's lovely to meet you at Vicki's party!
Reading everyone's posts it's really amazing how similar we all are - basically we love our families and enjoy being creative - we're the same the world over!

Your two Burmese cats are so sweet and I can tell you spoil them!!
Travel is a part of my life too - it opens up a whole new world - as does blogging!

What a beautiful giveaway necklace you've created - I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

I'll be back to see you again once the party winds down.

I'm now following you Teresa.
I would love you to come over and meet me and enter my Giveaway - a vintage fabric and lace collage.
Have fun and enjoy the party!

lynn cockrell said...

Hello, Teresa!

I am visiting you from South Carolina with Vicki's Grow Your Blog party. Your blog is lovely. I, too, am a lady of many interests, which include, of course, my family. God has blessed us with 2 daughters and 5 much-loved grandchildren. I am a life-long crafter. It is my belief that we are never too old to learn new things.

Your feline family members are beautiful. I noticed one has green eyes and the other's appear to be an amber color.

I will be following your posts through Google Friend Connect. If you can find time, I hope you will visit me over at Mimi Mine!

lynn cockrell said...

I began a comment to you earlier, but it seems to have gotten lost in cyberspace. It has been nice visiting you through Vicki's GYB party. I am an avid crafter, love to sew and adore going places, seeing and learning new things.

Your feline family members are beautiful. I notice that they have different color eyes, one cat has green and the others appear to be an amber hue.

I am signing up to follow you with Google Friend Connect. Perhaps you can come to visit me over at Mimi Mine. Have a beautiful weekend!

RedSetter said...

Hello Teresa, just visiting from GYB party. You have a great blog and such gorgeous cats too. I'm looking forward to reading more about you and following you. Delighted to take your follower numbers to the big 50.
Love and best
Craft blog
Cat blog

BluMoon said...

Hi Teresa, What a great blog I have enjoyed looking around and learning a bit about you. I love all the pictures and the beautiful Burmese cats. I hope you will visit me when you get a minute!

overboardcreations said...

Wow I love my visit. Didn't realize that there is so much going on in cyber world. Forgive me for coming to the party at the last minute, But 600 blog reading was a little tasking. I wanted to read and get to know the girls so I did read everyone's bio. Your my 584 blog and 24 hours left to go. If you like come visit My site contact info is I believe inspiration comes from all facets of life even knowing the great people out there with wisdom and knowledge the do's and don'ts and even the wonders of life from a personal point of view. I liked you following you on goggle connect and Bloglovin you. hope to see you in the cyber neighborhood I am new to blogging so I don't have a lot posted because I got side tract with GYB party. Kind of felt it was important to have some one read my silly chatter. I can't remember a time I didn't dabble in something creative. I tried a little of everything. But, my new love these days is Card making I just love it.

Marti said...

I'm visiting through the Grow Your Blog hop and am so happy to see your blog and your sweet kitties.

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Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...