Friday, May 30, 2014

Unusual Patio Planter

A couple years ago, I went to California and noticed several places were using livestock tanks for landscaping. I love the look. They would put different arrangements of plants, flowers, succulents, and trees in these. I wanted to do something like this on my patio but, never got to it. Recently, when we when to Napa, I saw them again. This time, Dave was with me and he helped me come home and put a couple together.
These were some arranments I saw in California....
so I headed to the nursery...and with their help chose some plants that will live year round.

I came home and assembled it, added some wine bottles, and then took some vintage marquee letters and came up with the world "Sip". I only had a few letters which made my wording choice limited.
I took a second tank and made a small garden out of it. Above it,  I hung a piece of an old windmill.
And then in the meantime, Chopin and Monet chase a cricket. Silly kitties.
Have a great weekend!

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Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...