Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Everyday, Dave & I talk about our visit to France. One of our discussions have been about allowing our minds to be closed and not open to discover on our own. How many times have you heard, "The French hate the Americans" or "The French are rude!".  Once again, we allowed ourselves to believe what others had told us, and did not choose to find out for ourselves. Luckily, we did. And we found some of the kindest, most beautiful and warm people in the world in France. Everywhere we went, the French were helpful and were understanding to our language barrier. It warmed our hearts. Thank you Corey and Yann for allowing us to experience this. It has inspired us to go back, explore more. Learn more about different parts of the country. 

Here are some more beautiful pics from France.

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Marilyn Miller said...

I so agree and now I want to go back too.

Kadee Willow said...

So happy to be reading of your experiences... you were truly blessed with a trip of a lifetime!

Foxhollow Studio said...

I'm ready to go back myself. Hopefully, we will return again soon. Thank for reading and commenting.

Foxhollow Studio said...

Thank you Kadee. It's been a tough year for us and this was truly a healing trip for the two of us. Thank you for stopping by and reading. Hope you are doing well.

Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...