Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Most Comfortable Couch

Gosh! I never knew hunting for furniture could be so exhausting.  After laying dark wood flooring a few months ago, the dark leather and brown sofa seemed to all blend together  and disappear.  I wanted something lighter, to brighten up the room.
Just as I had posted a couple weeks ago, cream colored linen was in my mind for the new couch.  I found a few on showroom floors, but you had to order them and they would take 8-10 weeks to arrive.  I just didn't want to wait.
I shopped the Home Decorator Magazine, Ballards and Pottery Barn....I wanted to sit on the furniture, I need to touch and feel it in person.  So, I continued looking and found a wonderful little decorator store that had just what I wanted.  Their furniture is made by Smith Brothers,  made in America and quality made. We had shopped many leading brands and nothing had this quality of construction and comfort.
Happy to say...we came home with this sofa and a beautiful chair. Here is a picture of my sofa (this is a catalog photo), but those are not the pillows that go with my sofa. I customed ordered a chair and there will be two down pillows out of the same fabric for the couch. I am excited to show you once everything is here.
How do you buy furniture? Shop for it in person, buy online, order from the showroom floor?


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Nice looking sofa, Teresa. It has a nice classic look to it, too. I have to sit on furniture before I buy it. I have seen too many instances where someone has bought a beautiful chair that looks comfortable, but it isn't.

Marti said...

That's pretty! I know what you mean about the dark hardwood floors and dark furniture.

I have to sit on furniture before buying it. You just never know if the seat is going to be too deep or the back too upright or the cushions don't feel right - unless you sit on it.

Lisa said...

I bought a bedroom suite from a catalog once but for things like couches and chairs, I too want to feel the fabric, sit on them and make sure they are comfortable.

Charlene said...

Theresa, it took forever to find my furniture for the living room. I lived with 4 recliners lined in a row for months. But, I told myself I wasn't doing it before I found the right thing. And the floor wasn't in yet so I was in rush. I just looked in every store wherever I was. And the week before Thanksgiving (with company coming of course) I found it. On close out. Had 24 hours to get it moved.... we did it. Just enjoy the process.

Seahorse Ranch Girl said...

Hi Teresa. I've had the same large scale Thomasville sofa and matching chair/ottoman for about 15 years. That's sort of the problem! Cause the good stuff never wears out. I look at all the catalogs (don't forget Restoration Hardware) but as you say, who wants an uncomfortable piece? And how can you tell unless you sit?? I've accepted that I'm stuck with what I have for now. When we move in a few years I'll start over. Even Pottery Barn which I love has very few sofas and chairs in their stores. You were fortunate to find what you like in a local store. See you soon. Charlotte.

Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...