Sunday, August 24, 2014

Travel Planning

My question to you, do you spend much time on planning your vacations? I have heard that sites like kayaak and hipmunk offer the best airfares to give you a range of options? Are you someone that constantly checks airfares, to make sure you get the best price?

Do you plan your wardrobe, coordinating it all, so that you can travel with less clothing?

Do you research the area you are visiting, to see what are the attractions in the area? I love Virtual Tourist that offers reviews on the hotels, restaurants, sites to see...

I would love to hear your stories and what do you obsess about.

1 comment:

jinxxxygirl said...

HI Teresa!

We do try to find the best prices but a lot of the time our trips are fly by the seat of our pants.... we very rarely plan too far in advance.. I'm sure we pay higher prices because of that but it is what it is.... I do try to search what is in the area we are passing thru because more than likely we will not be back that way again and don't want to miss anything.... :) I use TripAdvisor alot..... Hugs! deb

Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...