Sunday, August 25, 2013

52 Cards Continues

I'm still on a roll making these cards, experimenting with different techniques 
Sweet husband brought in an altoid tin for me to put my ear phones in for our upcoming trip. It was a little boring so, I had  to add some life to it. What do you think?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

52 Card Pickup

Got the great opportunity to meet Stephanie Ackerman after reading her blog for several years. She was teaching at My Heart Fancy, in Oklahoma City. She is probably one of the best artist in creative style lettering that I have ever seen or met. I have taken a couple of her online classes, but so loved the time in taking a class with her in person.  Learned lots of great new technique styles with the Tim Holtz distress pens and using the Claudine Hellmuth Studio medium that I never knew. The class was "52 Card Pickup" actually using playing cards and distressing them. Got lots of great items flowing from this projet.

This project allows you to add what is ever on your mind. Thoughts, prayers, inspiration...good for sharing on packages, in cards, gifts, the list could go on.
It was a good class with good friends and some good memories.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


It seems forever since I posted last. Real Estate is booming in Duncan, Oklahoma. And that means I am working 8-10 hour days. Yes, I am still working on my family estate to get it closed. Closing my father's business. All these things leave little time for me. Little time for my darling husband.  However, something good is in the picture for us...a trip to France. Just 41 days and counting.
Spent some much needed time on the patio this past weekend, tending to my sad  garden struggling in this heat. Between the 100 degree heat and the grasshoppers its been a challenge to keep things alive.  Regardless, I did manage to captured some great photos.

Atleast the succulents are happy with the hot weather
Miss Monet love the outdoors
And Mr. Chopin is always watching for the birds

This tiny visitor was so tiny my zoom had a hard time catching him. He was maybe 1 inch long. Not sure if he was a baby and we couldn't tell what type of lizzard he was because he was so small and so very fast. 
The verbinas always seem to handle the hot weather...
And Frankie joins Chopin in keeping an eye on the birds.


Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...