Saturday, July 11, 2015

2015 Where Bloggers Create

Welcome to Foxhollow Studio. I live in southern Oklahoma. Creating mixed media and jewelry made from vintage pieces are two of my favorite things these day. I also do a little card making and projects with my Silhouette Cameo.  I work full time as a Realtor and I love coming home and spending time in my art room. 
This duo is generally close around when I'm trying to be creative...
Meet my little boy, Chopin, my Burmese kitty 
and....Monet, my sweet little female Burmese kitty.

There is generally a lot of glitter going on here...often it is on the kitties. I love collecting vintage shakers for storing as well as displaying my glitter. 
I love the blue makes me happy! 
The space is filled with many of my art creations and finds from my travels to France and flea markets around the country. Some of my other displayed items are from art swaps. 
I purchase a revamped china hutch for storing art supplies and displaying some of my favorite things.
Note the kitty bed in the talented husband built it so both of the kitties can stay near and could see out the window and watch the birds.  Those are 2 lucky kitties. 
More storage...old jars for mixed media parts,  big glass jar for wash tape, places for things needed handy like glue, glitter gels, art markers, etc.
I love my old metal supply cabinet for storing my vintage millinery & my card collection from different artist. I took an old sewing machine cabinet drawer, painted it and now it stores my stickers and other trim.

These are my Pottery Barn knockoff shelves made by my husband.  The metal files came from my father's business, they are good for storing small art pieces. I change out the shelves from time to time with my new and old favorite pieces that I have made. 
I've collected silver cups and trays for storing my art tools, that are used frequently throughout the week. 
Vintage sprinkler holds my rosaries and beads.

My tool box that I made from an old suitcase that I carry to classes. I adore vintage lace...can you tell? The beautiful vintage rose came from my last trip to the Rose Bowl flea market. It was the perfect finishing touch.
These beautiful girls are a work of art that I have collected through the years. Each one is unique.
The saying sums it up for me. I was nearly 50 years old before I started exploring art and using my talents. Many of us are busy with our jobs, raising a family, or simply don't have the confidence to start. Art has opened up so many hours of enjoyment, new friendships, and travel. So, this is basically how my studio came about. It became my little place to escape into my art. 
Thank you for stopping by...I hope you enjoyed my space. I have seen the other studios in years past and mine is quite simple and small compared to many. But, it is perfect for me. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Where Bloggers Create 2015

Where Bloggers Create is coming up this weekend....I have been cleaning and re-arranging my little art space for the past few days. Its a fun weekend just checking out all the different blogger's creative space. They come in all shapes and sizes. It is so interesting reading throught these stories and seeing the photos.
So come back on Saturday and check out for little space.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Art on the Coast of Washington

Blessed to call these people my Friends
The week began as we walked into this beautiful home on the ocean with a view that awoke us each day. Actually we were in the nook of the bay...on the water. In my opinion, much better than the ocean front homes. Our sweet host thought of everything to make us at home and comfortable. Our table that we created at each day set in front of this window. So perfect!
We had a special visitor of a deer with her newborn twins...aren't they adorable?
It was overcast that week, but it didn't keep us off the beach hunting for treasures.
We had the beach to ourselves. How much more perfect can it be?
A group of friends brought together by art...we all met at different art events and made friendships of a lifetime.
We traveled the coastline of Washington, we ate lots of great food, shopped, made art, shared memories and made new memories.
We came from different parts of the United States...New Mexico, Oklahoma, Washington and Wisconsin.
We made sure we had many photos of ourselves from every stop...luckily I am not sharing them all with you.
We spent a week making a book of our trip, learning mixed media techniques using melted wax, crocheting a necklace and tatting. We have some very talented people in our group. 
We drove 6 hours to Spokane, Washington to the Farm Chicks. One of the items on my bucket list.
Two days full of shopping for some great vintage finds and meeting up with more art friends from around the country.
We stayed at the amazing Historic Davenport Hotel in downtown Spokane. I wish we would have had more time to see this town. The little I saw was amazing, and the beautiful mountains we drove through to reach this place were beyond words.
Another bucket list...meeting up with Celeste Shaw, again...and going to her famous "Chaps" restaurant. Her story touched my heart...and I will always feel a connection to her. I think her story about her Grandmother, reminded me so very much of my Dad. I don't know...maybe it was just the timing and it had been so close since my Dad's passing.
She closed her resturant that evening for all the vendors at Farm Chicks and invited our group of "Art Friends' that traveled from all over the United States to meet up there. A catered meal, live band and fellowship of friends. Life can't get much better than this.
Our arrival... 
Loved the chalkboard
Meeting up with more good friends...great moments
A week full of MANY great moments. I am thankful that I can be a part of these things, travel to these beautiful places, and enjoy the fellowship of wonderful friendships.

Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...