Saturday, July 11, 2015

2015 Where Bloggers Create

Welcome to Foxhollow Studio. I live in southern Oklahoma. Creating mixed media and jewelry made from vintage pieces are two of my favorite things these day. I also do a little card making and projects with my Silhouette Cameo.  I work full time as a Realtor and I love coming home and spending time in my art room. 
This duo is generally close around when I'm trying to be creative...
Meet my little boy, Chopin, my Burmese kitty 
and....Monet, my sweet little female Burmese kitty.

There is generally a lot of glitter going on here...often it is on the kitties. I love collecting vintage shakers for storing as well as displaying my glitter. 
I love the blue makes me happy! 
The space is filled with many of my art creations and finds from my travels to France and flea markets around the country. Some of my other displayed items are from art swaps. 
I purchase a revamped china hutch for storing art supplies and displaying some of my favorite things.
Note the kitty bed in the talented husband built it so both of the kitties can stay near and could see out the window and watch the birds.  Those are 2 lucky kitties. 
More storage...old jars for mixed media parts,  big glass jar for wash tape, places for things needed handy like glue, glitter gels, art markers, etc.
I love my old metal supply cabinet for storing my vintage millinery & my card collection from different artist. I took an old sewing machine cabinet drawer, painted it and now it stores my stickers and other trim.

These are my Pottery Barn knockoff shelves made by my husband.  The metal files came from my father's business, they are good for storing small art pieces. I change out the shelves from time to time with my new and old favorite pieces that I have made. 
I've collected silver cups and trays for storing my art tools, that are used frequently throughout the week. 
Vintage sprinkler holds my rosaries and beads.

My tool box that I made from an old suitcase that I carry to classes. I adore vintage lace...can you tell? The beautiful vintage rose came from my last trip to the Rose Bowl flea market. It was the perfect finishing touch.
These beautiful girls are a work of art that I have collected through the years. Each one is unique.
The saying sums it up for me. I was nearly 50 years old before I started exploring art and using my talents. Many of us are busy with our jobs, raising a family, or simply don't have the confidence to start. Art has opened up so many hours of enjoyment, new friendships, and travel. So, this is basically how my studio came about. It became my little place to escape into my art. 
Thank you for stopping by...I hope you enjoyed my space. I have seen the other studios in years past and mine is quite simple and small compared to many. But, it is perfect for me. 


Doni said...

Hi Teresa! Thanks for visiting my blog! I love your craft space! All those goodies and fun colors! Lots of inspiration here...I see why you love spending time here! And your two beautiful kitties must be the luckiest cats in the world...glitter and all!

Have a blessed day!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Your studio is wonderful and I like the blue paint. A great idea to have built in kitty beds as our pets need to be near while we work, don't they?
Happy crafting from # 33.

Leanne said...

love your space! I especially loved the glitter salt and pepper shakers!

The Junque Seeker said...

Love your space! It's been fun seeing it evolve over the last few years, and I always enjoy seeing all the amazing pieces you create.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

You have a lovely colorful, creative space filled with treasures to work with.

Happy Creating ~ FlowerLady

Sue Kosec said...

Oh my ... you had me with the salt shakers. You lucky soul. They are beautiful. Thanks so much for having me in on a play date - too bad it couldn't be for real.

Happy crafting!

Olive Grove Primitives said...

You have a beautiful creative space, I love the vintage suitcase. I also love all your vintage rosary Beads. Thank you for sharing your studio with us. Lisa

Deborah Weber said...

I love your studio in all it's magical sparkle. And what gorgeous studio helpers you have. Thanks for the fun tour, and wishing you endless joy in creating.

HMax said...

Teresa, I love your styling! Great vintage pieces cleverly used. I also love that you have made room for your furry friends to join you! :) Thanks for the kind words you left on my blog!

Lisa said...

How fun! What a nice space you have!

Riki Schumacher said...

Hi Teresa!! Thanks for swinging by and checking out my video. Your studio is just fun. I love it all, what beautiful collections of lovely things. Yummy!! And your kitties are so darn cute, love them. Thanks for sharing your beautiful workshop with us. Can't wait until I see you again. Lots of hugs. Riki

bobbie said...

I LOVE that quote! It is the story of my creative life, too.

thanks for letting me see your lovely spaces ~

Maureen Hayes said...

The rosaries, I have died!! I LOVE them and wonder where you find so many beautiful ones to collect? Your room is lovely. I came to art late as well, but it has been a lifesaver for me and I am so grateful. Thanks for showing us your lovely space.

Art and Sand said...

Great space!

I love that final quote Just Be An Artist

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Theresa, Oh my goodness what a fabulous creative space. I love the wall color and how it just makes your art work pop. You are one talented lady. I am gathering so many wonderful storage ideas from you like the vintage sprinkler holding your rosaries. Love it and your sweet kitties and their bunk beds are fabulous. You collections are wonderful and all is so organized. Wonderful quote for an artist!!
Thank you also for stopping by and your new following too.
I am so glad to meet you as we are practically neighbors of sorts. Southern Ok and Northern Texas!
Have a wonderful and creative week.
Hugs, cm

Lori said...

I've visited your studio before and I'm always inspired by it. I love the color of the walls. It makes all your furnishings stand out.

GranthamLynn said...

Love your space. I would love to come and craft! Thanks for sharing. I am following so I'll be back by. Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Hello Teresa. What a lovely studio you have. I'm loving all the gorgeous glass jars of glitter and the shelves too. Thanks for sharing. Karen.x

Sandra Kaye said...

Very Nice space!!! Love your travel bag for classes!!! So much to see!!! Thanks for sharing:0)

Connie said...

Your studio is wonderful . . . I especially like the sign you made . . .Be An Artist:)

Karen Valentine said...

Teresa your studio is divine!!1 I love the color on the walls!!!!! There were so many fun goodies that I wanted to just reach through my screen and play with! Thank you do much for joining the party!!! I hope you are having fun and making friends!!

Sandy said...

I love your studio, that blue color is fabulous! Adore the vintage metal cabinet chock full of delicious supplies. So many pretties to see here, thank you for sharing.

Sheila Rumney said...

Teresa, what a bright and cheery studio! Drolling over your millenary collection displayed. Thanks for stopping by my studio. Love your Be an Artist sign! Wishing you many blessings.

Tammy said...

Hi Teresa! Love those turquoise walls! The kitty cats look very sweet. Your husband did a great job on those knock-off Pottery Barn shelves!
Any chance you can make it to Handmade U this September? ;)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I realize I'm late visiting, but I couldn't miss this opportunity to see your beautiful and creative studio. Your hutch is great and what my kitties wouldn't give for that kitty station. I was impressed. I like the color of the walls and all that glitter that seems to take center stage on your hutch.

You have such a lovely, feminine space. I am in AWE. Thanks for sharing your lovely studio with us.

Kristi said...

I'm swooning over your beautiful space! I love how you made space for your sweet kitties,too. The blue on your walls is breathtaking, I bet you love every minute you spend there! Thank you for sharing it with us!♥

Pendra said...

Your space is beautiful, love that color... it makes me happy too! Not only is your space amazing but so are your creations, I could spend some time with you!!

Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...