Friday, February 22, 2013

Kadee Willow

You will love the heart felt stories that Kadee post about everyday life, art projects, sewing, decorating, and so much more. She describes herself as an empty-nester, traveling and exploring what she is meant to do in this lifetime. Her talent for writing makes it a read you never get bored with. I was so fortunate to meet this wonderful soul at an art event a couple years ago. 

One of her most recent post, was about how she had decorated the walls of her studio with vintage clothing. How cool is that? And then to top it off, she shows a creative way of making those ugly 3M stickable hooks look great for hanging her clothing. 

Check it out for yourself & see what she came up with. Go over and look around her wonderful blog....Kadee Willow. I promise you will be glad you did!


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blogs I Love

Down the right side of my blog is a list of blogs that I follow.  I must be list is much longer than this. I have followed blogs for several years. I love decorating, art and the knowledge I gain from reading these blogs.  And then the creation of Pinterest came along and I could quit printing off articles and putting them in books. I love technology. Always have, Always will. Thats another story that I'll share one day.

Starting tomorrow, I am going to start featuring some of these blogs and I hope it will make you want to hop over and read their stories.  

Have a great day my friends!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Wine Tasting Party

Life is good when we make time to be with friends. This weekend we hosted a casual wine tasting party for a small group of friends. I love wine, but don't know a lot about it. I can tell good from terrible, but that doesn't make me a connoisseur. Since I learn best through the immersion method, throwing a wine tasting party is the best way to get friendly with more labels and add to my short list of reliable wines.

My friend, Becky is a wonderful cook as well as an expert on pairings. I provided my home and she provided all the prepared foods and organized the pairings. Below is a pic of our group.  The photo  is missing our neighbor, he is taking the photo. 

Our neighbor was given a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon from the Russian government, for the work he did for the United States government. It is the same wine that the Queen of England & Steven Segal orders by the cases.  It was a 2007 vintage.  The 2006 vintage sold for $3200 a bottle. I would be curious what this sold for. 

I am not much of a red wine drinker, but I must admit it was quite a good wine. I guess this is what good wine taste like. And it was amazing sampling the food with the wine and how the flavor truly complimented each other.  Below is a copy of our menu.

It was a great evening with good wine, conversation and friendship.


Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...