Friday, November 6, 2020

Corey Amaro, authors the blog "French laVie" that is celebrating its 15 years anniversary. A delightful reading that helps you forget all the problems in the world & escape to the world of France.  I would have never experienced France if not for Corey...check it out!

Murano, Italy
Above is a photo from my travel to Italy. It was one that I had included in my
blog post for Corey & wouldn't transfer.
Thanks for stopping by!

 Hello Friends, 

Seems like it has been a time of unrest for our world in 2020...fighting a world pandemic has been overwhelming.  I have never experienced a presidential election in our country, that has divided our country. At least not in my lifetime.

There have been 2 things in life,  that I have always thought should be your own personal decisions. Religion and Politics. 

I choose to continue to share a positive and upbeat post for you. And to start blogging again. I have lots to share....stay tuned!

We love our kitties...

Lesa Dailey Comes to Studio

Lesa Dailey will be teaching her dainty Savon Rose Swan on Sat. May 18th & her famous Crowned Bird on Sunday, May 19th. Classes will be ...