Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 will be My Year

Life is precious. I spent the last 10 months of 2012 caring for my Father, watching his depression over his life being over. He had things left to do. Things he hadn't taken care of. This was not in his plans.
Sometimes we make plans and life takes over.

I married my husband six years ago. We lived a 4 hour drive to each of our homes. I told him I couldn't move away because I had to take care of my Dad. I was the one he could count on. So...we married and he moved to my hometown.

I was right. My Dad needed me and needed someone he could count on to take care of things for him. And I was blessed with a wonderful man that helped me every step of the way.

I'll be 55 years old this month. So I have vowed to make 2013 my best year.  Grateful for each day we are given. Living life to its fullest. Getting rid of any anger. With anger you can not be grateful. It can no longer be about me.  Its really aout giving thanks, and when you are giving thanks, you disappear and when you disappear, I belive you reconnect to the divine.

I am thankful and grateful for all of you. Happy New Years. Cherish each day you are given.

1 comment:

Kadee Willow said...

This morning I watched Joel Olsteen and his sermon was about not dwelling on the negative... the bad things that happened in your life. Instead, turn the thoughts to the "victory" channel. The one where you remember all the times that good things happened in your life. Gratitude. Now, this is not aimed at you but rather myself and more importantly, my mother who can recount all the negative times in her life as if it happened yesterday. Your post is correct and because you are so positive only good things will happen to you!!! xo

Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...