Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today is my Birthday

Today is my birthday. Number 55 to be exact. Wow! I don't feel that old. Where did all the years go?
I started out the day going to court to evict a renter that was 7 months behind in rent. Ridiculous. Judge ruled him out and funds to be paid. I'm sure he won't pay and we will have to go to court again.

Then I went to a closing where I had the opportunity to sell the home of a wonderful young couple that it was so nice to help. I love my job.

Then I took the afternoon off, came home  and crafted. Just what I love to do. I made some cards and a couple necklaces. It was a good day.

My sweet kids curled up in their bed in my hobby room and just watched me work. Dinner in the eve with my husband, my daughter and son-n-law at the local Italian resturant

Life is good.


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