Monday, March 10, 2014

I Won a Give A Way!!

Pretty Ragged Threads features the works of mixed media artist and her work with vintage fabric. Simply delightful work. I was fortunate enough to win one of the recent give-a-ways. I received this beautiful fabric needle book.
The book has a vintage photo transfer of a Victorian lady  on the front. It is trimmed with vintage lace , trim and button. It is made with plenty of room on the inside for all your needles, etc. She sells these on her Etsy site and they would make a lovely gift for a friend. She also include this mixed media wall hanging that made of scraps of old and distressed fabric. with a  photo transfer. He work is lovely.
Don't forget to hop over to her blog

1 comment:

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Congratulations Teresa - isn't it so exciting to win a beautiful giveaway such as this!

Jackie is such a talented mix media artist and a very kind and generous blogger. I'm always drawn to her work she puts up on her blog.

Wishing you a happy week.

Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...