Sunday, January 12, 2014


“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” 

I am not much on making New Year Resolutions....they seem to be the things I alway break. This weekend,  Dave & I have been planning our travels and I have been checking out art events that are happening throughout the year I would like to attend. 

As many of our close friends know...Dave is a very gifted artist. He find something that inspires him, and next he is researching it and building it. Some of his latest projects have been making Native American & Japanese style flutes, banjos, and teaching himself to play the flute, banjo and mandolin. He had never played any of these instruments, simply teaching himself by watching youtube videos. He is an accomplished kite maker with a specialty in making fighter kites. He has been a National Champion in design and competition.  He has been an artist in residence in the schools in Oklahoma.  
This year the American National Kite Association will be holding its National Convention in the Outer Banks of  North Carolina, September 29th-October 4th, 2014. If you have never attended a festival or event of this type, you must go to one.  You can experience some of the most beautiful kites in the world. These are made by many of the people in attendance. There is the art of designing these beautiful kites, but they must be able to fly. Truly amazing to see. 
So here is trip Number One for the year planned. Lots of other great trips before this one. We also booked our Anniversary trip to Napa Valley California in April. I'll be posting photos. 
Next I'll be posting some of the great art events that I have planned in the next few months. You may want to come along to these with me...promise, they are going to be a great time!

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Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...