Thursday, February 6, 2014

Decorating your home? Find inspiration anywhere and everywhere!

I have always loved decorating my house. I shop online, home decor stores, and flea markets.  I especially love TJ Maxx and Homegoods for great finds. In fact, if you are wondering what your style is...go over to Homegoods and you can take a test finding your style and blogs that have decorating tips for that style. 

I found that my style is Classic with a little Boho. Fits me perfect!  



As you can seen in my home, I have a mix of elements showing this style. Most of my inspiration comes from reading home and living magazines, pinterest and decorating blogs. 

Maybe you are thinking of switching things up a bit too? Perhaps start an inspiration board. I use Pinterest for my own inspiration board. Or this can easily be done on your dining room table. This is a great way for you to keep your focus in the course of a decorating project.

Find inspiration comes from so many different places, fabric patterns, magazine images, paint colors, etc. Its interesting why certain element appeal to us and stimulate our creative souls. For each person, the components are different. 

Just remember to let your Home tell a Story and let it be a Reflection of You. What is your CREATIVE STYLE?


jinxxxygirl said...

Let you home tell a story... Love that! Hugs! deb

mysteryhistorymom said...

I'm Farm House Glamour with a Touch of Boho! :) Lori

Burlap Luxe said...

Oh Theresa,
Thank you dearly for taking the time to visit me, as an interior designer I truly have had an ever evolving style of many directions. Yet when the economy fell and life had many changes for me. My daughter and I down sized or life and fell in love with a simpler way of living life. We chose to gather and collect our prized pieces up and mix with a rustic French, then it got the best of us and we started selling of our more pricier pieces to buy piece that could not be copied or purchased on the mass market calling our style French Brocante....Where the French style meets farmhouse cottage of sorts. I will even add an elegant piece here and there adding a relaxed rustic balance.

I live in Southern CA. How about you?
As for your kitty in that wonderful chair, I so adore your style! Is by chance your kitty a Bermese? Or does it just look like one due to the lighting coming in on her fur making her look a bit brownish.
Will so enjoy getting to know you so much better.


Burlap Luxe said...

Oh, i am going to check out your older postings to get to know more about you, as for your cat, it looks like a cat that we, ( our family) had when we were young.
We all loved Burmese cats, and my Mom always had one at some time or another. They are full of wonderment.


Rita Reade is Coming to Foxhollow Studio

Our September Guest Artist,  Rita Reade, better known as Mammabellarte...   which means Mom Beautiful Art. Rita, whom was born and raised   ...